The 15th Bollington Walking Festival will take place from Saturday 6th – Sunday 14th September 2025. All info will be updated soon – watch this space or sign up to our mailing list for latest information.
Please visit the Walks page for all the details including how to book for any bookable walks, and remember to check the Information page to understand the ratings and symbols for each walk.

Leaflets are available in many outlets both in and outside Bollington or you can download your own printable version by clicking the icon .
We look forward to welcoming you at the Festival.
Upcoming walks and events
Please sign up to our mailing list so we can keep in touch with you and you can hear news and updates about the festival.
We would like to thank all those who have contributed to the programme, with special thanks to Bollington Town Council and the Bollington Beer Festival who have awarded the Walking Festival with grants which make it financially possible.
A big thank you also to the staff and volunteers at the Bridgend Centre for all their support before, during and after the festival.